Robotics consultancy

Case studies

Control systems

Photo Higher quoteControl systems are essential and determine the behaviour of a robot. The control system executes a planned sequence of motions and forces in reaction to unforeseen situations, to ensure the robot reacts appropriately.

Robotae has expertise in control systems, with capabilities in sensor fusion. This combines sensory data from disparate sources, so that the resulting information has less uncertainty than if these sources were used individually. In addition, Robotae specialises in closed-loop control and real-time embedded software development, to provide a stable and accurate system.

Higher designed the Halo brushless gimbal for the film industry, enabling stabilised footage to be shot either handheld or with a drone.

Undertaking hardware modifications and developing a sensor fusion algorithm, Robotae produced the software to give the gimbal smooth motion.

Our initial analysis of the system led to a few hardware modifications to allow control to be feasible with such a high moment of inertia mismatch between the motors and the load.

We developed a sensor fusion algorithm to combine the gyro, accelerometer and magnetometer data to give a low latency, low drift attitude estimation.

The attitude estimator feeds into a nested closed-loop motor controller, which provides the stabilisation and smooth pan and tilt using a jerk-limited profile generator.


Brushless gimbal designed to provide steady shots from moving camera

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